What is your passion? Would you like to learn more about your ancestry? Maybe you are curious about the house you live in. Want to learn more about your town? Visit our vast collection of books, family histories, oral histories, and records from the turn of the 20th century.
Whether you are a scholar working on your latest book, a student writing your thesis, or an inquisitive patron searching for family ties in our area, we can lead you to the answers you are looking for as they pertain to Old Independence County. Our extensive library is free to browse with your paid admission. Come visit us today!
Old Independence Regional Museum’s vast collection includes books by local authors, family histories, Chronicles from many of our adjoining counties, state and local history books, family surname files, public record transcripts by county, and Independence County tax and probate packets dating to 1900.
What you can Find in our Research Library
· Probate Files for Independence County – OIRM holds the original Probate and Guardianship Files for Independence County covering the years 1820 to 1930.
· Real Estate Tax Assessment Books for Independence County – OIRM holds the original Real Estate Tax Assessment Books for Independence County through 1900.
· Personal Property Assessment Books for Independence County – OIRM holds the original Personal Property Assessment Books for Independence County through 1900.
· Independence County Chronicles – With a complete set of the Independence County Chronicles from the first edition printed in October 1959 to the current edition (this publication is continuous and ongoing), you’ll find the edition or story you are seeking.
· A periodical of the Independence County Historical Society, the Chronicles form a valuable part of the OIRM’s research library. Topics covered include individuals, families, historical events, and historical places throughout our area.
· Crouch Funeral Home Burial Records – Burials of area residents conducted by Crouch Funeral Home covering the periods of 1899 to 1962.
· Family Histories – Genealogical research and family narratives compiled by individuals and given to the OIRM to aid researchers.
· Oral Histories – Recorded interviews with individuals from throughout our local area from our founding in 1997 to present day.
· Photographs – More than 17,000 photographs cover a broad range of subjects of note to our region.
· Research Library – With an excess of 700 bound volumes covering topics of and related to local and regional history, you will find the histories of many of our local and regional churches, cemeteries, original homesteads, and so much more.
· Independent Order of Odd Fellows Widows and Orphans Home – The IOOF Lodges in Arkansas operated a home for widows and orphans in Batesville from 1898 to 1929. The OIRM holds more than 200 original applications for admission to the Home, as well as photographs, stories, newspaper clippings, memorabilia, and original minute books for IOOF Lodge 63 covering the period 1848 to 1918.
· Maps – The OIRM houses hundreds of maps dating from 1765 to present day. While the majority focus on Arkansas, many maps encompass the world as it was known.
· Masonic Home – The Masons operated an orphanage in Batesville from 1910 to 1946. The OIRM archives hold many items related to the Masonic Home and its residents.
· The Stork Inn – Glendolyn Tichnor and Minnie Scott were midwives who owned and operated The Stork Inn in Pleasant Plains, Arkansas. The OIRM houses many of their records, including birth records for the period 1954 through 1970.
· Diaries and Day Books – A collection of diaries and day books kept by area residents are one-of-a-kind artifacts OIRM shares with its patrons.